Follow-Up Template - Renewal Week 4 Suggested Subject line: Reminder:We’ve Come This Far by Faith, [XX Church’s] [year] Annual Giving Campaign Dear [Personalized Salutation], As we wrap up We’ve Come This Far by Faith, our Annual Giving Campaign, I want to wish you every blessing. I am grateful for each member of the [XX Church] community, a congregation that flourishes because of our parishioners’ shared commitment to its mission and ministry. If you feel as strongly about [XX Church] as I do, I’d like to invite you one final time to make your pledge to the Annual Giving Campaign. As we have journeyed together in faith over the past 15 months, we have seen [XX Church] adapt to new challenges and opportunities as we continue to be the body of Christ through our ministries, our witness, and our care for one another. Remember your financial pledge goes to support the work and ministries of [XX Church]. Our worship services, the variety of programs and ministries we offer, along with our outstanding clergy, are all possible because of the financial support of parishioners like you. If you could please let either [Clergy person/Stewardship chair – include or embed email address] or me know whether you will be able to help support the work of [XX Church] in [YEAR], we’d greatly appreciate it. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact either one of us. Best, [Canvasser Name]