Follow-Up Template - Renewal Week 1 Suggested Subject line: Reminder, We’ve Come This Far by Faith, [XX Church’s] [year] Annual Giving Campaign Dear [Personalized Salutation], My name is [NAME] and I am a member of the Stewardship Committee at [XX Church]. I’ve been a parishioner since [YEAR] and I feel blessed to be part of such a special church and community. [Add 1-2 sentences about your connection to the parish and why it’s special to you.] I am writing because we are trying to finish up the [XX Church] [YEAR] Annual Giving Campaign, We’ve Come This Far by Faith. Our goal is for all members of the [XX Church] family to make a financial pledge to the church in the upcoming year so that we continue on our journey in faith, we will be able to continue to carry out the work and ministries of our church, including our [list 2-3 ministries of the church]. I hope we can once again count upon your support. I have attached a pledge form for your convenience. You can send the completed form in the mail. Alternatively, you can pledge by emailing [Clergy person/Stewardship chair -- include or embed email address] with your pledge amount or [include this if your church offers this convenience: you can complete the online pledge card, found on the church’s website (include link, if possible)]. Your investment enables [XX Church] to carry out God’s work in the world. Please prayerfully consider your support of [XX Church] and submit your pledge as soon as you are able. If you have any questions, please let me know. [Clergy person/Stewardship chair -- include or embed email address] is also happy to speak with you. Thank you! [Canvasser Name]